cotton super casino
Fortdax album 'Folly' (2003)
"sakura" music by Fortdax
song & lyrics & vocal / cotton
Acid Mothers Temple / Guru & Zero / Mopar Mountain Daredevil / the D-Pardons-X / the Birds / Cosmic Sonic Tagteam / Cotton & Bill / Mady Gula Blue Heaven
Fortdax album 'Folly' (2003)
"takeda" music by Fortdax
song & lyrics by unknown / vocal by cotton
Acid Mothers Temple 'Hello good child" (2004)
music by AMT / song and vocal by tsuyama
lyrics & vocal by cotton casino
Joyfield ProjeX with cotton casino (2013)
"chine syndrome" music by Joyfield ProjeX
lyrics & vocal by cotton casino
the Birds "second door" (2005)
music by per gisle
song & lyrics & vocals by cotton
Songs Lists
Mady Gula BLUE HEAVEN 2nd album '0' (1997)
"nakushite shimau made" music by MBH
song & lyrics by hiroko / vocals by cotton casino
Mady Gula BLUE HEAVEN 2nd album '0'
"Floating" music by hiroko & MBH
lyrics and vocals by cotton casino (1997)
1994. Ishii Sogo Movie "Engel Dust" Ending theme vocals by cotton casino
Mady Gula BLUE HEAVEN (1991 - 1998)
cotton casino :vo
1991 Mady Gula BLUE HEAVEN cassette
1994 Mady Gula BLUE HEAVEN 1st CD
1996 Mady Gula BLUE HEAVEN 7" Ep (LA)
1997 Mady Gula BLUE HEAVEN 2nd CD '0'
1998 V.A.CD "Abunai ongaku"
V.A.CD "Land of the rising Noise vol.3"(SF)
Mady Gula BLUE HEAVEN 10" Ep (LA)
Interviewed by "the Doll" "Indies magazine" "Fool's Mate", radio, TVs etc.
2003 Fortdax "Folly" CD released by Tugboat records (UK) 'sakura' 'takeda''foxglove..' vocals
by cotton
Guru & Zero / Daevid Allen(Gr,Vo),Makoto Kawabata(Gr),Cotton Casino(Syn,Vo)
2002 US live tour w/University of Errors 'the Egg Lake Music Faire' w/Richard Sinclair , Damo Suzuki
2004 Guru & Zero "Makoto Mango" CD
released (UK)
the Birds / Per Gisle from Norway(Gr,Vo,etc), Cotton Casino from Japan (Vo,Syn)
2003 the Birds Japan tour / Europe Tour
2005 The Birds 'the birds birds birds in the world' CD album & 'Let's do the Velvets!' 7" EP released
Cotton Casino "100% Pure Cotton" 7"EP
Cotton Casino 'we love cotton' CD
released (2003)
3 CDR released as CSC project
the BIRDS 'Bloom' song & lyrics & vo by cotton
music and arrange by Per & the Birds
unreleased recording 2003
Cotton Casino album 'We Love Cotton' (2003) 'Fly High' music&lyrics&vo by cotton
Mady Gula BLUE HEAVEN (1991)
song&lyrics&vo by cotton casino
cassette release/guest gr;Suhara
Mady Gula BLUE HEAVEN (1991)
cassette release / song&lyrics by hiroko
sitar&vocal by cotton casino
Mady Gula BLUE HEAVEN (1991)
cassette release / lyrics&vocal by cotton
music by keizo suhara & MBH
D-Pardons-X / Uno (gr&syn) Dos(syn&vo)
released 1st & 2nd CD and 2 V.A.CD
UK & US tour 2003
Cosmic Sonic Tag Team / Cotton (syn&vo) Martin Powel (syn&electronics) Billatwm (gr&vo)
CD released / UK tour 2003
Cotton&Billawtm / Cotton(syn&vo)
2003 - 2005 CD
released & toured
in US (toured with nik turner etc..)
Mopar mountain daredevil 2008 - 2012
Cotton(vo&syn) Bill(Gr)
released record and CD & toured in US.
toured with Yahowha 13, 2 days..
Acid Mothers Temple & The Melting Paraiso UFO
Makoto Kawabata (leader, Gr)/ Tsuyama Atsushi(B) / Tabata Mitsuru (Gr)
Hiroshi Higashi (Syn,Gr)
1996 - 2004 Cotton Casino played as syn & vo & cigarettes & beers player
1998 US & Europe Tour start / 1999 US & Europe Tour
2000 US & Europe Tour / 2001 US & Europe Tour / AMT played @ the 'Royal Festival Hall' in London (w/Gong,incredible string band) / 2002 US & Europe Tour / South by Southwest / AMT played @ the 'Queen Elizabeth Hall' in London
etc/ all tomorrow's party, released from Sub pop label, front cover & photos & interviews "Wire" magazine. and as we all know millions of releases.
Acid Mothers Gong "Gong" played @ the "Queen Elizabeth Hall" in London
2003 we had Japan tour / released CD Album
Cotton Casino
reunited with AMT as special guest at Nagoya Tokuzo "AMT Fes" in Dec 2013
Cotton Casinoappeared as AMT's guest (Vo) in 2010 & 2011 in Baltimore US